Hack Things Meetup: June 13th with PCH International and Molecule Synth

Joe Heitzeberg
June 04, 2013

The next Hack Things meetup will be on June 13th from 12pm ~ 2pm at SURF Incubator.

Please go here to learn more and RSVP.

We have a great line up:

1) Aymerik Renard – with over 5000 employees and nearly $1B in revenue, PCH International is the big daddy of helping everyone from startups to major brands manufacture consumer electronics products in China, and Aymerik is their VP running their startup accelerator, “focused on giving funded and/or post-incubation early stage hardware start-ups a competitive edge by taking a product from development to market.” Read about them in Wired.

2) Travis Feldman – a hacker from Portland who invented Molecule Synth, raised on Kickstarter and just finished up the HAXLR8R program in Shenzhen. He’ll be showing off Molecule Synth and talking about his experience getting his idea off the ground.

3) Hack Things China Trip Recap – Ethan and I will give a short talk to recap the highlights from our recent China trip where we visited factories, met entrepreneurs, toured the electronics market with a founder of Makerbot and dropped in on HAXLR8R to chat with their companies.

Don’t miss out. RSVP Now.

Hope to see you there!

-Hack Things

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