Next Hack Things Meetup is Sept. 20th

Hakon Verespej
September 15, 2013

The next Hack Things meetup is right around the corner. This Friday in Seattle, we’ll be having 3 great speakers plus open show-and-tell. Each speaker is going to demo a product they have developed, sharing with us their story from concept to market. Show-and-tell will be a chance for anyone in the general community to share their own work. Naturally, we’re encouraging attendees to bring actual prototypes/products for everyone to see and try.

If you aren’t already part of the Hack Things meetup group, you can join the group and sign up for this event here. Please help build a thriving community by spreading the word. The best way to do this is to click the “like” or “tweet” buttons above or email a friend encouraging them to come out to the meetup. Bios of this month’s speakers are below.

Scott Thielman

Scott Thielman: Scott is co-founder and Vice President of Product Creation Studio, a physical product design and engineering firm. They work closely with their clients to develop products through inspired, meaningful design and engineering. Their clients come from markets ranging from medical to consumer to industrial and include both big and small companies.

Beth Kolko

Beth Kolko: Beth is co-founder and CEO of Shift Labs, a company working with hackers, makers, and medical professionals to rapidly prototype and manufacture low-cost medical devices for use in low resource environments. The company’s market is BRIC and beyond, and they are especially focused on serving the needs of both doctors as well as lightly-trained front line health workers. They build robust, creative solutions that will improve the ability of clinicians to deliver quality care.

Kyle Hart

Kyle Hart: Kyle is co-founder of Rhino Camera Gear, a quickly-growing company located just south of Seattle. “I’m Kyle and I love product design and camera gear. It wasn’t always this way though… Three years ago, sitting at my desk writing an insurance contract, I started thinking of new ways to stabilize cameras when filming. I spent a year learning manufacturing and CAD and started designing products and building a company, Rhino Camera Gear. To date, I’ve successfully funded 3 Kickstarter campaigns and have established the brand as a leader in DSLR film making accessories. My goal is to continue pushing the limits of filmmaking through innovative and affordable gear.”

If you haven’t already, visit the event page to get additional details and to sign up.

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