Recap of August 2nd Hack Things Meetup at Synapse

August 02, 2013 1 minute

We had a Hack Things Meetup at Synapse today with a great turnout (~90 people), and two nice presentations followed by Q&A. Thanks to Synapse for hosting and to Highway1 for sponsoring the event!

Skooks Pong from Synapse gave a talk about…

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Under the Radar: Laika Bring Robotics to Raspberry Pi using Scratch

August 02, 2013 2 minutes 2 photos

Laika is a robotics platform for Raspberry Pi and Scratch that’s recently squeaked past it’s modest £7,000 goal on Kickstarter with a platform to make experimentation with robotics more accessible. There’s only 48 hours left in their campaign, so hurry over there…

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Battery Powered Orchestra Workshop (August 10-11, Portland)

July 31, 2013 1 minute

Hack music much? Travis Feldman (of HAXLR8R company Molecule Synth and a speaker at a prior Hack Things meetup in June) has launched another Kickstarter for BPOW: Battery Powered Orchestra Workshop, a 2-day interactive festival (August 10th and 11th in Portland, Oregon)…

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Soon, autonomous drones will be taking off and landing at all major US airports

July 31, 2013 3 minutes

With self-driving cars already on the way, it’s conceivable that someday soon all commercial flights will be piloted by computers. If you read the news about drones, then you’re likely to imagine a future where Predator-like drones flown by the NSA keep…

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Control your Arduino Projects from Android with Annikken Andee

July 31, 2013 3 minutes

If you’re hacking Arduino and the phone in your pocket is an Android, then check out Annikken Andee. It looks super compelling.

Annikken Andee is an Indiegogo project that’s close to funded and promises to offer a convenient link between Arduino projects…

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Tube Core Duo is a Compact, Tube-driven Bluetooth Speaker

July 30, 2013 2 minutes

Over the last 15 years as music has gone completely digital, we have (for the most part) left behind the richness and quality of analog audio equipment in favor of the convenience of iPods. Thanks to the ubiquity of smart phones, there…

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We Love Artful Hacks: Choosatron is a Storytelling Printer Powered by Spark Core

July 29, 2013 2 minutes 2 photos

We love artful hacks: projects that mix bits and atoms in ways that connect with people on a more personal and artful level.

Super Awesome Sylvia’s WaterColorBot that we wrote about last week is one, and the Choosatron is another. They launched…

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Hack Your Own Dash Cam with Raspberry Pi

July 29, 2013 1 minute

You might already know that most modern cars have an OBD-II port designed for repair technicians but which provides a wealth of information to hackers such as engine speed, steering angle, RPMs and fuel level. Martin O’Hanlon ** posted about a project…

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Synapse and SNUPI – Hack Things Meetup – August 2nd, 12pm

July 22, 2013 1 minute 4 photos

The next Hack Things meetup is coming up on August 2nd, 12-2pm. It will be at Synapse, which is a larger venue than we’ve had in the past.

We have a great lineup with (1) Skooks Pong, SVP of technology at Synapse…

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Startup Weekend Maker Edition Recap

July 01, 2013 3 minutes

The inaugural Startup Weekend Maker Edition took place this weekend, with around 75 participants joining from all around the Pacific Northwest and as far away as Taiwan to pitch their ideas, form teams and 3d-print, soldier, mill and glue their way to…

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Showing 31 to 40 of 82